reuben and i are about 1 hour into our good nights sleep when we wakeup startled by the noise of our front door opening, then comes the flicker of our hallway light as it is turned on...i tell reuben to go down their. he has no weapon of any sort so we wait and listen... then we hear someone making use of our toilet, by the sound it was evident that he was a male. ... reuben leans over our loft to see who is there....
before we know it, a large and very drunk man stumbles out of our bathroom and passes out on the floor. reuben, relieved, says "adjushi, jibe anida" (sir, this is not your home). and again reuben repeats that, louder and louder. but this man isn't waking. reuben walks downstairs and says again, this is not your home. the man replies "waguk saram" (foreign person) and closes his eyes again.
we call security, and get no response, so reuben goes down to the office and explains the situation as best he could in korea to the security guard. as reuben and our security guard approach the apartment door they see a man wondering the hallway looking for his friend. reuben says "na ui ching-gu ee jibae issauyo" (Your friend is in MY apartment). as the security guard is laughing, reuben and the man's friend carry the man out into the hallway. then we lay back in bed and laugh - just another night in korea.
Condo Rule 101: Lock your door!
i second that
always lock it!
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