Friday, May 12, 2006

Hagar - Visit to Jeju

Jeju Island is just off the south coast of Korea. It is an hour plane ride from Seoul. We took Friday off and had a little holiday with the folks. It is a volcanic island, so the landscape is similar to that of Hawaii - black lava rock, white sand and blue/green water. Here is a one of the several craters. We (good work mom!) climbed to the ridge of this one!

We are nearing the top - taking a little breather to rest and enjoy the view!

Testing the strength of our feet - Reuben and I managed to make it around the whole course, mom made it about half way, and dad didn't even try!

These "grandfathers" are everywhere on the island - they come in all sizes. They represent Korean ancestors who are watching over us.

The highest mountian in Korea, Halla San, is located on Jeju Island. Dad, Reuben and I hiked a couple hours trying to find the crater lake - it was never to be found by us. We did reach the end of the path to see this view. Behind me is the peak of Halla Mountian.

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